Surveillance issues in society

Surveillance issues in society. 1 No. Dec 1, 2020 · A RAND perspectives report Osoba and Welser (2017) highlights various security issues related to AI, for example, fully automated decision-making leading to costly errors and fatalities; the use of AI weapons without human mediation; issues related to AI vulnerabilities in cyber security; how the application of AI to surveillance or cyber A verb such as "observe" is not included in the definition because the nature of the means (or the senses involved) suggests subtypes and issues for analysis and ought not to be foreclosed by a definition (e. Accelerated by publicity from the government’s heavy-handed response to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) protests, media outlets have reported on extensive aerial surveillance carried out by law enforcement agencies, increased police reliance on artificial intelligence (AI)-powered May 10, 2016 · The Internet of Things may be about to change our lives as radically as the Internet itself did 20 years ago. This unprecedented access allowed The Times to study China’s Dec 9, 2021 · Although endemic in totalitarian societies, human surveillance by the state (as opposed to surveillance by private investigators or security companies) operates at a much smaller scale in Western liberal democracies: in the UK in 2019, there were 3,652 authorisations of ‘Covert Human Intelligence Sources’ (i. This article deals with the current scenario of surveillance in India and the effects that it has on the right to privacy. Examples include reports in 2013 from documents from Snowden detailing how the NSA is able to collect anyone’s personal data via Jun 15, 2022 · Accelerated by technological change, surveillance has attracted attention. The implications for privacy, national security, human rights, cyberespionage and the economy are staggering. Surveillance is a social-technical security and control response to individual privacy and anonymity, and to the delocalization of borders. , how do visual, auditory, text and other forms of surveillance compare with respect to factors such as intrusiveness, validity and the Americans need to step back from the daily drum of privacy stories and absorb the big picture: the United States is at risk of turning into a full-fledged surveillance society. The past two decades have seen parallel but separate developments of renewed interest in social epidemiology—the social, economic, cultural and political forces that impact, and at times determine, patient health outcomes []—and syndromic surveillance for infectious diseases, defined as an investigational approach where staff, assisted by automated data acquisition and Illustration by Gérard Dubois. This article explores what is problematic about government surveillance by democracies. the act of placing an individual under surveillance. [8], surveillance is a systematic form of attention with a purpose and implies both the idea of care and control. These privacy issues can have far-reaching professional, personal and security implications. Abstract: “This article deals with a paradox: Video surveillance becomes widespread, in more and more numerous social and national spaces, while its effects in terms of crime prevention and/or law enforcement and community reassurance are not demonstrated. informants or undercover Nov 1, 2022 · Both governments and corporations have been increasingly enacting the use of data, crossing the line to the idea of mass surveillance of society [7]. Surveillance itself is neutral, depending on “context and comportment”, “structures and processes” (Marx Citation 2015, 733, 737). Nov 23, 2023 · In this blog, we will explore the ethical issues surrounding surveillance in the workplace and discuss the importance of striking a balance between employee privacy and organizational goals. Clearly, these advances in technology have a profound impact with regards to the ethics of placing individual under surveillance&emdash;in our modern society, where so many of our actions are observable, recorded, searchable, and traceable, close surveillance is much more intrusive than it has been in the past. Apr 12, 2022 · Introduction. Can the behavior of an entire population, even in a modern democracy, be changed by awareness of surveillance? Nov 2, 2022 · They also point to cases in which cameras have led to crimes being solved, as in San Jose, Calif. A shift to machine-driven monitoring of the public. Jun 12, 2019 · For Mathiesen, the viewer society is merely the other side of the surveillance society – described so aptly in Orwell’s novel – where a few watch the many. [ Expertise in your inbox. Table 1 Surveillance essays: names of the new society and its key aspectsa The panopticon (Bentham, 1995) Disciplinary society, the gaze and bio-power (Foucault, 1977, 1998) Surveillance society, the new surveillance and maximum security society (Marx, 1985, 2015) Net widening (Cohen, 1985) Dossier society (Laudon, 1986) Dataveillance (Clarke Journal of Current Social and Political Issues Vol. Apr 5, 2021 · This article is written by Sudarshan Roy, from Heritage Law College, Calcutta University. Surveillance is one of the most ethically challenging concepts in AI. At times, their personal Mar 4, 2019 · In her new book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” HBS Professor emerita Shoshana Zuboff outlines her belief that surveillance capitalism is undermining personal autonomy and eroding democracy — and the ways she says society can fight back. […] Feb 10, 2023 · Immunization raises a host of challenging ethical questions that researchers, governments, funders, pharmaceutical companies, and communities must confront. Crossref. Mar 18, 2021 · Information gleaned from surveillance enhances the power of social media for better or worse, in ways we are only beginning to understand. 1) Surveillance of the Environment: An important function of the media is to keep up a surveillance of all the happenings in the world and provide information to the human society. Applying Foucault’s Dec 9, 2021 · The theme of privacy in civil society is considered in Chapter 3 in relation to the issues facing researchers seeking consent to conduct research using surveillance or covert or deceptive methods. Jan 29, 2021 · In the years that followed, a surveillance society flourished in those rooms, a social vision born in the distinct but reciprocal needs of public intelligence agencies and private internet Dec 5, 2017 · Laura Huey, The Problem with Ethics: Difficulties in Constructing Normative Frameworks , Surveillance & Society: Vol. Introduction Surveillance in common parlance means to have a close observation of someone or being in a state of observation. e. Surveillance equipment can be installed almost anywhere. The use of sophisticated systems by police and other public security officials is particularly troubling Jun 2, 2020 · Thus, the problem of surveillance society consists of three elements: (1) Overall usage of surveillance technology has increased both in quantity and quality, (2) different types of surveillance agents have enhanced surveillance to improve the efficiency and utility of their businesses, and (3) for that reason, targets of their services, typically the general public, welcome such surveillance Apr 16, 2020 · The Covid-19 pandemic has focused attention on the potential conflict between public health monitoring and technology-fueled surveillance. The media has the responsibility of providing news and cover a wide variety of issues that is of some service to the society. Others might, pointedly, retort that as long as surveillance is deployed democratically by people always above reproach, if you have nothing to hide you should never have anything to fear. Such intellectual surveillance is especially dangerous because it can cause people not to experiment with new, controversial, or deviant ideas. Jun 3, 2021 · While AI has potential in combating crimes and increasing citizens’ safety across the globe, it is undeniable that there are ethical concerns regarding the implementation of AI in fighting crimes. Interestingly, both of them find their roots in Foucault’s ideas. The concept of the `surveillance society' has become a central part of the emerging transdisciplinary narrative of surveillance studies, and is now to be found as much in criminology as in many of May 12, 2020 · In the event that they have been conditioned well, they will engage in self-surveillance and behave in accordance with the norms of the social framework they are placed in. By integrating surveillance data, including financial transactions, social interactions, and legal infractions, the system assigns a score to each citizen. Data aggregated from public surveillance systems can be fed into algorithms, but when fed with biased data, the algorithm will reinforce the biases within the data it has, further intensifying unwarranted discrepancies in law enforcement. Chapter 4 explores covert research in greater depth, exploring reasons for and against the use of various forms of covert methods. 1 (2014): Open Issue Katie Shilton, Participatory Sensing: Building Empowering Surveillance , Surveillance & Society: Vol. Nov 21, 2019 · China—projected to have one CCTV camera for every two people by 2022—is a harbinger of what society looks like with surveillance unchecked. Public health surveillance is a tool to estimate the health status and behavior of the populations served by ministries of health Jun 18, 2020 · Introduction. Jul 27, 2024 · CFP: Dialogue Section on Authoritarian Surveillance 2024-07-27 We invite expressions of interest to write short (~2400-word) position papers for an upcoming Dialogue section of Surveillance & Society focused on the threat of, and resistance to, authoritarian surveillance around the world. “Nothing is gained by teaching a parrot a new word,” Orwell wrote in 1946. government to engage in mass, warrantless surveillance of Americans’ international communications, including phone calls, texts, emails, social media messages, and web browsing. 12 No. Nov 15, 2019 · There are some differences by age on some privacy issues: People in different age groups have varying views on some key privacy and surveillance issues. For our purposes, a surveillance society is one based on maintaining social control or order through the collection, sharing, and analysis of information about populations in order to govern their activities. This document outlines 17 ethical guidelines that can assist everyone involved in public health surveillance, including officials in government agencies, health workers, NGOs and the Sep 11, 2019 · Today’s information/digital age offers widespread use of social media. Issues like people tracking, area monitoring, parking occupancy, vehicle analytics and traffic monitoring are crucial. Oct 26, 2020 · AI presents three major areas of ethical concern for society: privacy and surveillance, bias and discrimination, and perhaps the deepest, most difficult philosophical question of the era, the role of human judgment, said Sandel, who teaches a course in the moral, social, and political implications of new technologies. Physical surveillance is as old-established as society. Surveillance Structures. This piece will make occasional reference to this longer history, but it is `surveillance society' rather than `surveillance', which is the primary focus. Ultimate privacy in the social The social credit system in China represents one of the most direct examples of how AI surveillance can impact social behaviour. Apr 11, 2023 · Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act permits the U. Nov 2, 2022 · Shoshana Zuboff, the author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism,” warned that San Francisco had voluntarily created an environment that fused government power and private power. There is an important difference between organizational surveillance and the non-organizational surveillance carried about by individuals. (2008), who provide a longue durée global historical background to questions of urban security, surveillance and social control. In the short run, digital technologies and social media appeared to empower transnational civil society, particularly during events such as the 2011 Arab Spring. The two veteran Wall Street Journal reporters Feb 5, 2022 · The recent decades have seen established liberal democracies expand their surveillance capacities on a massive scale. May 20, 2015 · The cascade of reports following the June 2013 government surveillance revelations by NSA contractor Edward Snowden have brought new attention to debates about how best to preserve Americans’ privacy in the digital age. 8 No. Sep 7, 2022 · Josh Chin's and Liza Lin's new book, Surveillance State: Inside China's Quest to Launch a New Era of Social Control, attempts to answer that question. Before joining The Times in 2011, he reported on Apple and the wireless industry for Wired. It may no longer be an exaggeration to say that big brother is watching. Surveillance, in its many forms, is Jul 9, 2014 · As far as social sorting is concerned, this is a concept that alerts us to several related practices that produce uneven and unequal outcomes when the supposedly neutral and illuminating techniques of Big Data – especially predictive profiling – are applied to perceived social and political problems. An ethical analysis of surveillance issues. Moreover, information gained through surveillance is not static. Within the domain of artificial intelligence, this study conducts a topic modeling analysis of scientific research on the concept of surveillance. The first one, surveillance society, is based on Foucault’s perspective on disciplinary power. runs deep. Dec 9, 2021 · This chapter, based on a sociological approach, addresses the ethical issues of surveillance research from the perspective of the profound transformations that science and innovation are undergoing, as part of a broader shift from modern to post-modern society, affecting also other major social institutions (such as government, religion, family, and public administration). ” Surveillance capitalism, driven by the profit motive, “has been able to gather to itself concentrations of knowledge and power that exceed anything imaginable even a few years ago,” she says. Foucault posits that self-governing and self-surveillance were tools used in repression and social control, but like any tool, they could be turned into more productive means. When did the general public become concerned about issues of wiretapping? It’s only in the 1920s that ordinary Americans start to take notice of wiretapping and it's not really until the 1950s . Social science has long focused on information flows in systems. 1 Surveillance,” . Dec 9, 2021 · The Era of Big Data and the ‘Datafication’ of Society. The fact is, Orwell's vision of "Big Brother" is now, for the first time, technologically possible. Governments and private companies have a long history of collecting data from civilians, often justifying the resulting loss of privacy in the name of national security, economic Sep 25, 2020 · The history of mass surveillance in the U. We live in a surveillance society. This connects surveillance both with to civil liberties, consider surveillance of people when they are think-ing, reading, and communicating with others in order to make up their minds about political and social issues. Fears of terrorism and the availability of ever-cheaper cameras have accelerated the trend even more. Jul 23, 2021 · Need for reforms and a comprehensive law on surveillance: A comprehensive law is needed to fill the gaps in the existing laws as higkighted by the Planning Commission. surveillance initiatives over a period of one year (March 2020 - March 2021). Oct 12, 2022 · In the academic literature, two main theoretical approaches have been formed to comprehend the role of video surveillance in public spaces: surveillance society and security state. The government claims to be pursuing vaguely defined foreign intelligence “targets,” but Feb 1, 2001 · David Lyon is Professor of Sociology at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Large organizations have become ever more important in affecting the life chances of individuals. But in his new book, We See It All: Liberty and Justice in an Age of Perpetual Surveillance, Fasman explores the privacy issues related Aug 2, 2016 · With the rise of information technologies in society, a new breed of surveillance has emerged. , how do visual, auditory, text and other forms of surveillance compare with respect to factors such as intrusiveness, validity and the Aug 3, 2023 · Surveillance & Society, 17(3/4), 305–321. AI-based surveillance systems use algorithms to analyse vast amounts of data from a range of sources, including cameras, social media, and other online sources. is currently at a crossroads when it comes to agreeing upon and acting on existing legislative drafts for what should constitute data privacy practices, Samantha Lai and Brooke Tanner write. there are equality issues too. But over time the power dynamic has flipped entirely in favor of illiberal governments and their security agencies, helping to fuel the spread of a new kind of digital authoritarianism Apr 25, 2023 · Public surveillance can also perpetuate other societal problems, like discrimination. Crucial issues include totalitarian regimes’ abuse of AI surveillance and any government’s use of fundamentally biased facial recognition systems. Jul 31, 2023 · As a member of a social movement, you draw attention to yourself and people begin to disassociate from you. Social media surveillance refers to the collection and processing of personal data pulled from digital communication platforms, often through automated technology that allows for real-time aggregation, organization, and analysis of large amounts of metadata and content. g. 5. This definition is particularly interesting when we consider Nov 15, 2019 · In key ways, today’s digitally networked society runs on quid pro quos: People exchange details about themselves and their activities for services and products on the web or apps. Feb 25, 2002 · Published March 2002 The Four Problems With Public Video Surveillance Video cameras, or closed-circuit television (CCTV), are becoming a more and more widespread feature of American life. The degree of assistance from service providers. Many civil liberty groups would argue we have now woken up in one. The application of AI technologies in surveillance can have beneficial social effects. With surveillance in place, it would have been much easier to determine what happened and what level of justice was necessary in that circumstance. According to a Jul 2, 2021 · They moved away from their initial nature and created a fast-developing world in which technology became at its core. ; TB: Ethical issues include questions about the equitable distribution of resources, protection of vulnerable groups, respect for patient choice of treatment options and solidarity between communities during outbreaks. Feb 11, 2014 · Surveillance & Society, 2013, Vol. This chapter, based on a sociological approach, addresses the ethical issues of surveillance research from the perspective of the profound transformations that science and innovation are undergoing, as part of a broader shift from modern to post-modern society, affecting also other major social institutions (such as government, religion, family, and public administration). At an official level it might involve placing individual suspected of criminal conduct under surveillance, whilst at the private level, reference can be made Mar 2, 2023 · SCHARRE: Well, one of the things that's really troubling, of course, is China's export of its surveillance technology and the social software, the norms and standards behind how it's used. We live in the era of Big Data, where governments, organisations and marketers know, or can deduce, an increasing number of data items about aspects of our lives that in previous eras we could assume were reasonably private (e. Going Jul 6, 2019 · During the trial, the statements of the eyewitnesses differed, creating uncertainty about the sequence of events. Surveillance and Physical Searches Jun 12, 2020 · Paul Mozur, who has written extensively about the Chinese state surveillance machine for The New York Times, told me that mistrust of the authorities in Hong Kong was reflected in constant digital Aug 6, 2020 · There is growing concern that government surveillance in the United States is headed in a dangerous direction. The use of social media is ubiquitous and cuts across all age groups, social classes and cultures. Seven significant scholarly topics that receive significant Mar 1, 2009 · See also: Coaffee et al. Glenn Gerstell examines the issues to be considered as the fight to stop the spread of the virus continues. 2 (2010): Surveillance and Empowerment The rapid expansion of new Information and Communication Technologies has improved the possibilities for surveillance, rendering modern society a ‘surveillance society’ (Lyon, 2006). Rype of interception. Jun 21, 2022 · ChinaFile, a digital magazine published by the Asia Society, collected the bids and shared them exclusively with The Times. , where surveillance footage helped the police identify a group accused of robbing a bakery in Mass surveillance uses systems or technologies that collect, analyse, and/or generate data on indefinite or large numbers of people instead of limiting surveillance to individuals about which there is reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. May 17, 2023 · Besides, mass surveillance brings discrimination and marginalization to society, leads to conflict between social classes, and only increasing the number of surveillance does not fundamentally Jan 27, 2021 · Police departments say such technologies help reduce crime. Though, it is accompanied by multiple challenges as it creates or amplifies existing social problems. Surveillance information can be fed into learning systems, such as learning health care systems or learning public health systems. He has held visiting positions at the University of Leeds, UK; Calvin College, USA; Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada; Monash University, Australia; Auckland University, New Zealand; the National University of Singapore; the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, France; and the University of Tokyo, Japan. Granularity of information that can be intercepted. AI-based surveillance systems have the potential to revolutionise law enforcement and security, but they also pose significant risks to privacy and civil liberties. Jul 18, 2022 · The U. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. May 20, 2015 · ABOUT PEW RESEARCH CENTER Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Feb 13, 2023 · To understand the rise of the surveillance society as happening in a realm other than that in which political action also takes place—a realm of unstoppable corporate actors like Target and FICO, somewhere beyond the reach of human agency—is to misunderstand, at a fundamental level, the object of study. Apr 16, 2020 · The Covid-19 pandemic has focused attention on the potential conflict between public health monitoring and technology-fueled surveillance. Feb 10, 2020 · With the benefit of rich databases of digital photographs available via social media, websites, driver’s license registries, surveillance cameras, and many other sources, machine recognition of Sep 16, 2021 · He reviews products and writes Tech Fix, a column about the social implications of the tech we use. Jun 8, 2019 · Good art doesn’t come from wokeness, and social problems starved of debate can’t find real solutions. Surveillance can take a variety of forms. I think surveillance has affected the effectiveness of social movements (Participant 4). May 20, 2013 · First, surveillance is harmful because it can chill the exercise of our civil liberties. China's Aug 1, 2006 · Within the context of all the aforementioned issues, this article aims to contribute to the ongoing debate about the draft law awaiting enactment since the year 2003 by elaborating with a Jul 19, 2022 · Artificial intelligence and its societal and ethical implications are complicated and conflictingly interpreted. Jun 19, 2017 · The goal of the guideline development project was to help policymakers and practitioners navigate the ethical issues presented by public health surveillance. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Currently, there are issues with: Permitted grounds. It proceeds by distinguishing three potential sources of concern: (1) the concern that governments diminish citizens’ privacy by collecting their data, (2) the concern that they diminish A Report on the Surveillance Society 1 Part A: Introducing the Surveillance Society 1. S. . Public health surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, closely integrated with the timely dissemination of these data to those responsible for preventing and controlling disease and injury (Thacker and Berkelman 1988). In all the rich countries of the world everyday life is suffused One of the major issues with Panopticism in the Smart Cities context is that the 'surveillance gaze' is mediated by the selective biases of the operators of any application or technology, as was shown by a study on the use of CCTV cameras in the UK, where the "usual suspects" tended to be targeted more frequently. However, the increased use of these media is accompanied by privacy issues and ethical concerns. In addition to the embodied surveillance of CCTV cameras, we have the surveillance of information – what Roger Clarke (1988) has called 'dataveillance' – harvested through people's use of information technologies. Surveillance Society: summary, history, definitions 1. So, let’s dive in and examine the impact of constant monitoring on the modern workplace. 11 Issue 1/2, 134. Several kinds of social structure define surveillance relationships. Google Scholar. The ACLU has been at the forefront of the struggle to prevent the entrenchment of a surveillance state by challenging the secrecy of the government’s surveillance and watchlisting practices; its violations of our rights to privacy, free speech, due process, and association; and its stigmatization of minority communities and activists This questioning has been increasingly reflected in academia with the creation of the inter-disciplinary field of Surveillance Studies, bringing together sociologists, jurists, political scientists, geographers, and increasingly philosophers, to consider issues connected with and arising from surveillance. Public Administration Review, 76(4), 649–659. Through a critical analysis of May 6, 2019 · In 1984, it was the state that conducted surveillance and censored speech. With respect to civil liberties, consider surveillance of people when they are thinking, reading, and communicating with others in order to make up their minds about political and social issues. “The challenge of surveillance capitalism becomes part of the larger historical project of harnessing capitalism to society. Many are willing to accept the deals they are offered in return for sharing insight about their purchases, behaviors and social lives. The impacts of surveillance on individuals ability to organize, and to build and grow political groups, is dramatic. Feb 19, 2020 · Perhaps the most effective way to challenge—and roll back—India’s surveillance apparatus is through public pressure; only when issues of privacy become political and a part of mainstream social movements does the state become more transparent to its citizens. 1. According to Ref. Sep 16, 2022 · The report – the latest on privacy in the digital age by the UN Human Rights Office* – looks at three key areas: the abuse of intrusive hacking tools (“spyware”) by State authorities; the key role of robust encryption methods in protecting human rights online; and the impacts of widespread digital monitoring of public spaces, both When former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed the mass surveillance of American citizens in June 2013, the question suddenly grew in importance. It is pointless to talk about surveillance society in the future tense. We put a spotlight on the place of civil society in these narratives: which civil society organizations appeared most often, the roles they played vis-à-vis digital surveillance, and the racial and gender makeup of civil society voices appearing in news coverage. Dec 4, 2020 · Let's discuss a few critical problems in the surveillance space. A verb such as "observe" is not included in the definition because the nature of the means (or the senses involved) suggests subtypes and issues for analysis and ought not to be foreclosed by a definition (e. Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have deployed traditional public health surveillance responses, such as contact tracing and quarantine, and extended these responses with the use of varied technologies, such as the use of smartphone location data, data networks, ankle bracelets, drones, and big data analysis. our race, ethnicity, religion, politics, sexuality, interests, hobbies, health information, income, credit Towards Surveillance Democracy In early April 2021, as millions of Hindu pilgrims thronged the banks of the Ganges in Haridwar, India, to celebrate the festival of Kumbh Mela, artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled cameras zeroed-in on faces without masks and bodies that violated the physical-distance rule. In 2019, social media companies deploy vast armies of human and algorithmic moderators that surveil their users 24/7 Aug 25, 2020 · Surveillance is a core function of all public health systems. Americans ages 65 and older are less likely than those ages 18 to 29 to feel they have control over who can access things like their physical location, purchases made both online and offline May 6, 2021 · This article explores issues associated with surveillance in diverse settings and it attempts to provide guidance for professionals in multiple disciplines, especially business and data analytics, who want to ensure that a proposed surveillance innovation such as analytics will not unnecessarily infringe on privacy rights. When Edward Snowden leaked classified government documents last year, many were surprised to learn just how much access the National Security Agency (NSA) has to the personal email and phone records of ordinary citizens. “sleep walking into a surveillance society”. oeh vegcw ayd yaqzu yox rzd hqtihuqj aewmj xcqgy zvssd

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